1. Lava Smart Key unlocks secure self-custody, ensuring your funds are safe from attackers while always being accessible to you.
  2. For safety, Lava Smart Key eliminates any single attack vector that could lead to loss of funds. Instead of forcing you to backup your vault with a seedphrase that can be easily compromised or lost, Lava Smart Key enables you to create a 2-of-2 backup.
  3. For recovery, Lava Smart Key enables you to set custom recovery policies, ensuring that you can access your vault if you lose your device, device PIN, cloud password, cloud 2FA, Lava recovery PIN, or even if you lose all of the above at the same time.

Introducing Lava Smart Key, our latest innovation which unlocks secure self-custody, ensuring your funds are safe from attackers while always being accessible to you.

There are 2 aspects of self-custody security with Lava Smart Key: making sure your funds are safe from external attackers (safety) and making sure your funds are always accessible to you (recovery).


Lava Smart Key eliminates any single attack vector that could lead to loss of funds. Instead of forcing you to backup your vault with a seedphrase that can be easily compromised or lost, Lava Smart Key enables you to create a 2-of-2 backup, where:

  1. Half is tied to your seed encrypted and stored in secure storage on iCloud or Google Drive.
  2. Half is tied to an encryption key stored on a private key-server which can only be authenticated via a user-defined 4-digit Lava recovery PIN. The key-server enforces rate-limiting to protect against brute-force attacks.

Compromising either half of your backup is difficult, and even if one half is compromised, fund loss wouldn’t occur. For day-to-day transactions, Lava has built-in safety checks to prevent transaction errors, uses your device's secure chips to keep your private keys safe, and enables you to set up multi-factor authentication before any action is taken.


Lava Smart Key enables you to set custom recovery policies, ensuring that you can access your vault even if you lose your:

Our solution emphasizes flexibility, allowing you to adapt your recovery policies as things change for you.