Lava is the superior option for bitcoin-secured loans because it is the most:

Simple: Answer 2 questions and request a loan within seconds — all through your vault.

Reliable: Lava is bug-minimized and trust-minimized, offer a secure alternative to custodial services which have lost over $24B in customer funds.

Borrowing against your bitcoin can be a strategic move as means to streamline tax commitments or amplify BTC exposure. Yet, accessing bitcoin-secured loans is costly and slow, and all available solutions require users to trust centralized entities, which in 2022 alone lost over 24 billion in user funds. People need a better solution: the Lava Loans Protocol. Borrowing using Lava is:

Below, you can find two charts comparing Lava with other bitcoin-secured loans options in the market. Since these other fragile loan providers go bust every few months, some of the options listed here might not be available anymore.


Lava Centralized Services with a Key Centralized Lenders Wrapped Bitcoin Protocols
Fast ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
Private ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
Unified UX ✖️ ✖️ ✖️


Lava Centralized Services with a Key Centralized Lenders Wrapped Bitcoin Protocols
No Custodial Risk ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
No Loan Initiation Risk ✖️ ✖️ ☑️
No Loan Repayment Risk ✖️ ✖️ ☑️
Minimized Loan Liquidation Oracle Risk ✖️ ✖️ ☑️
Verification ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
Secure ✖️ ✖️

How it Works?

In the Lava Loans Protocol, a loan goes through several states:

Initialized: The loan is initialized via a trustless swap, resulting in the bitcoin collateral being locked in the bitcoin smart contract and the loan capital being accepted by the borrower.

Active: The loan is active, meaning the bitcoin collateral is locked in a smart contract and the borrower has received their loan capital. After a loan is active, it can terminate in one of the following ways:

Repaid: If the borrower repays the loan, the collateral is released to the borrower atomically.

Liquidated: If the loan value reaches a pre-determined LTV, the collateral is immediately released to the lender for liquidation.

Expired: If the borrower does not repay the loan before the loan term ends, some of the collateral, equivalent to principal plus interest, is released to the lender, and the rest is sent to the borrower.

Fail-safe: In rare scenarios where the loan process cannot be completed as expected due to unresponsive oracles, the protocol has built-in fail-safe mechanisms. These mechanisms ensure that the collateral is not lost. This is done by using pre-signed refund transactions that enable a counterparty to transfer funds from the smart contract to themselves and settle any agreements out of band.